Last week's blog was about one of the other three common couples' argument topics -- money -- so I thought I'd take on the easier one with this blog: sex. Yeah, very easy.

Bruce Sallan: While I declared that sex isn't a big issue in our household (and it isn't), I also have to admit it is an issue. There's a movie quote -- don't ask me from which movie -- that goes something like this: "He wants, she doesn't, he wants, she doesn't," which sums up the stereotypical thinking on sex between couples.
Truth is, I suspect it may be a bit more weighted toward the "she wants" in our house. There are a host of reasons for this that are just too personal to go into, and the differential isn't that disparate. I'd say our only ongoing issues with sex are timing, the kids' presence, and menopause.
I like the evening, she likes the morning. An honest difference of feeling. They're my kids, now her beloved stepkids, so the noise and their presence has a negligible effect on me -- maybe a little more with her (I'm going to ask right now).

As for the menopause, I will only get myself in trouble with that one, so suffice it to say, I've only known my wife "in menopause," so I really have no idea who I married, a comment she doesn't appreciate, and one I use too often (you know how men use the same ol' jokes all the time -- I'm just as guilty as any other man of doing that).
So, as far as sex goes, I guess I'd have to just say -- what do I know? I'm just a guy.
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